The ability to have a modern and efficient logistics system that produces multiple varieties in small quantities and delivers goods quickly and accurately can have a significant impact on the quality of a company. In today's era, warehouse management, as a key aspect of logistics systems, will fall behind the times if it remains stuck in old practices such as manual stacking, bookkeeping, and manual handling. In today's society, there is a pursuit of overall warehouse management that includes labor-saving, inventory management, production management, and customer service. Guangdong Yuanchen Machinery Equipment Company has rich technical knowledge and production experience, and can build a three-dimensional fully automatic warehouse system including information management!

Stereoscopic fully automated warehouse system

Three dimensional fully automatic warehouse system 2
Advantages of the three-dimensional fully automatic warehouse system:
1. Convenient storage and automatic and fast outbound.
2. It can be used for the production and sales of small quantities and multiple varieties of aluminum profiles.
3. Able to conduct appropriate inventory management and ensure accurate data.
4. Will not cause scratches, abrasions, or bumps on the product.
5. Reduce costs and save manpower.
6. Improve the operating environment.
7. Improve the humanization of warehouse management.
8. Automation implementation greatly improves the safety and reliability of equipment.
9. The centralization of information management enables faster and more accurate information processing, and can be connected to ERP systems.
10. Effectively utilize space and store one ton of aluminum profiles per square meter.