
Advantages of automatic extrusion supporting equipment
2016/8/16 0:00:00

Advantages of automatic extrusion equipment:

Targeted and controlled air-water cooling and online quenching of profiles based on production conditions and corresponding product requirements.

The extrusion roller conveyor that meets the height requirements of the product is used as a transverse conveyor for high-temperature conveyor belts after cooling; Automatic running stretching belt, loading belt, and feeding drive belt.

The automatic stretching and straightening system equipped with video surveillance can automatically adjust the required profile length and achieve fully automatic operation. Thin plate clamping heads can reduce deformation at the end of profiles.

The cross cutting table equipped with a profile length stopper adopts a digital sawing length pre selection and profile end orientation device to safely transport the sawed profiles.

The horizontal conveyor that can be raised and lowered is used for manual unloading of profiles, or for transporting sawn profiles to the stacker crane.


Tel: 0757-81162998

Mobile phone: 13928639988 13923202876

Fax: 0757-81162968

Recruitment: 0757-86689398

E-mail: Qiufu Zhang 2009@126.com

Address: No. 6 Minhong Road, Non-ferrous Metal

 Processing Zone, Changhongling Industrial Park, 

Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City (Phase II)

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Technical Support: PhoenixSoft

Advantages of automatic extrusion supporting equipment
2016/8/16 0:00:00

Advantages of automatic extrusion equipment:

Targeted and controlled air-water cooling and online quenching of profiles based on production conditions and corresponding product requirements.

The extrusion roller conveyor that meets the height requirements of the product is used as a transverse conveyor for high-temperature conveyor belts after cooling; Automatic running stretching belt, loading belt, and feeding drive belt.

The automatic stretching and straightening system equipped with video surveillance can automatically adjust the required profile length and achieve fully automatic operation. Thin plate clamping heads can reduce deformation at the end of profiles.

The cross cutting table equipped with a profile length stopper adopts a digital sawing length pre selection and profile end orientation device to safely transport the sawed profiles.

The horizontal conveyor that can be raised and lowered is used for manual unloading of profiles, or for transporting sawn profiles to the stacker crane.


Copyright (C) 2022 Guangdong Yuanchen Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  

Guangdong ICP 20032753

Tel: 0757-81162998

Mobile phone: 13928639988 13923202876

Fax: 0757-81162968

Recruitment: 0757-86689398

E-mail: Qiufu Zhang 2009@126.com

Address: No. 6 Minhong Road, Non-ferrous Metal Processing Zone, Changhongling Industrial Park, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City (Phase II)